There are certain necessary chores that are less than desirable, especially when done on a daily basis. When there are four furkids in your pack scooping poop is a necessary nasty. However, if embarked upon with the right mindset, this chore can be elevated to a creative endeavor. The result of one such creative endeavor is the unlikely poem below. It also proves that creative energy can be found in the most unexpected places.
Scooping poop
once or twice a day
is a bit like hunting
Easter eggs.
After awhile
you know which dog
laid which egg,
learn which
grassy nest is prime
for a find.
You also learn which
canine culprit snagged
the unexpected prize--
some tasty morsel left
by messy kids, or the
sneaky snag from an uncovered
waste basket.
A less than desirable chore
becomes a quiet time
to muse upon
the less profound,
to turn, perhaps, a
phrase about
the curious comparison
of poop and Easter eggs.
once or twice a day
is a bit like hunting
Easter eggs.
After awhile
you know which dog
laid which egg,
learn which
grassy nest is prime
for a find.
You also learn which
canine culprit snagged
the unexpected prize--
some tasty morsel left
by messy kids, or the
sneaky snag from an uncovered
waste basket.
A less than desirable chore
becomes a quiet time
to muse upon
the less profound,
to turn, perhaps, a
phrase about
the curious comparison
of poop and Easter eggs.
~~Pam Patterson, champion scooper